Saturday, 9 November 2013

It’s Never Too Late, Dreams don't have an Expiry Date!

Life is the greatest gift of all and too precious and short to be wasted. It should not be lived with any kind of regret or taken for granted. You can choose to discard any reason or excuse you’ve been giving yourself to lead a life that is far below your standards.
No matter where you are in life right now, no matter who you are, or how old you are, it’s never too late to be who you are meant to be. You can chase your dreams and reach for the stars because it’s never too late:
To start over once again and live the life you truly deserve
To discover your purpose and align your goals with it
To work upon something that you can leave as a legacy
To cultivate a good habit or to quit any bad habit
To make a difference to someone’s life
It’s never too late to do anything you wanted to do, be it pursuing your passion or learning a new skill or falling in love or forgiving someone or apologizing to someone or doing anything that brings more fulfillment and happiness in your life.
You can choose not to focus just on making a living but on creating the life that you truly want. Believe in yourself and follow your dreams and live life to the fullest!

Friday, 8 November 2013

Become a Corporate Athlete!

An athlete's body must be a highly tuned, well-functioning machine and the training mentality of elite and high-performance athletes is something that needs to be adopted by corporates. As every sport requires complex coordination of mind and body, the discipline followed by sports persons is worth being modeled by the corporate people.

Extensive research has confirmed that sustaining high performance and achievement requires all dimensions – mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical working together synergistically and not just intellectual capabilities. Human beings are complex energy systems. All four dimensions are critical, none is sufficient by itself and each profoundly influences the others. To perform at your best, you must skillfully manage each of these interconnected dimensions. If any one of them functions below par, your capacity to fully ignite your talent gets diminished. With lack of the right quantity (physical energy), quality (emotional fitness), focus (mental strength) and force (spiritual vitality), you are compromised in any activity you undertake.

How you take care of your body or fail to take care of it, can make an enormous difference to the quality of your personal and professional life. If you want to stay healthy for life, you need to take care of yourself. Health is maintained and improved through the efforts and lifestyle choices of individuals and society. By creating an environment in which making healthy lifestyle choices is easy, natural and enjoyable, you are able to maintain your health. You must determine to exercise to be fit, eat to nourish your body, take sufficient rest and adequate sleep for renewal. To operate at your best, you must give your body the fuel (in the form of food, water and oxygen) it needs.

To perform at your best, you must exercise your brain to sustain concentration, and control your focus. You can challenge your brain by doing old routines in new ways, engaging in any type of brain-teasers, learning a new skill and so on. This way you can protect your brain against age-related mental decline. Give your brain a lot to work with, create a rich pool of information to draw upon. Expose your brain to diverse experiences and situations. As the mind and body are so inextricably connected, even moderate physical exercise can increase the cognitive capacity. It does so simply by driving more blood and oxygen to the brain.                             

Competent wellness coaches provide unique tools and perspectives to help their clients to bring their talents and skills to full ignition to perform their job at the highest level possible while maintaining maximal health and happiness. Using powerful and innovative methods, they support them in such a way that they not only thrive in crises and high pressure situations but also emerge stronger, healthier and ardent for the next challenge. Moreover they teach them to create the additional energy they need to maximize their performance in their professional and personal lives.

Shine Even in Challenging Times!

The global economic upheaval has induced a massive change in not only the way business is done but also on the working climate of organizations. These dynamic times with enormous uncertainties and challenges like the ones mentioned below, call for superior way of working and results-oriented paradigm more than ever before.
  • Growing need for downsizing
  • Poor quality and less commitment with outsourcing
  • Too many initiatives to handle
  • Emotional Outbursts
  • Tardiness or absences
  • Erratic behaviour
  • Missing Deadlines
Need for the Organizations
To thrive in this era, it is really quintessential for an organization to align their learning and development practices not just on profit, productivity and customer satisfaction but striving for customer delight and on being humanitarian and developmental. They need to align their strategies and plan of actions to be a compelling place to work to attract and retain high quality human capital. The ever-evolving competitive market place demands for focus on the following aspects:
  • Getting a competitive edge with clarity of vision and focus
  • Aligning their strategies and plan of action to surpass the level of performance and productivity of a global workforce
  • Accelerating the development of new leaders
  • Building a team-centered culture instead of a boss-centered culture
  • Establish and maintain not just performance oriented culture but also work towards organizational climate characterized by trust, openness and shared power
  • Learning how to unleash the talent of employees instead of controlling employees
  • Empowering people in customer facing roles so that they can add value to the customer experience
  • Bosses to act as servant leaders, helping their teams by removing obstacles, realigning structures and systems, or bringing in additional resources to ensure success.
  • Execute change effectively, across complex and widely spread systems.
  • Fostering work-life balance by personal development of employees
Learning organizations learn faster than their competitors, thereby creating a competitive advantage that is expanded globally. As our global community becomes more and more complex, there is a need for organizations to recognize the need for on-going change, to become more adaptable and flexible, and to respond quickly to the changes that occur around them. In a learning organization, the entrepreneurial spirit gets unleashed, growth and learning is created for everyone, resulting in a greater good for all.

Need for the individuals
The people who embrace change will influence and control the world around them. In order to adapt to accelerating pace of change and to ascend the ladder of success at a fast pace, the individuals must continually redefine and expand their competencies focusing on the following:
  • Commit to continuous improvement
  • Set and achieve high standards of performance in his or her chosen field.
  • Building win-win relationships
  • Fostering a healthy work-life balance balancing key priorities
  • Leveraging collaboration

Accelerating Learning in the New Age

In this new age, there is a strong need to update our approaches to learning to meet the demands of our high metabolism culture. And the changes that need to be made are not just cosmetic but systemic and organic in nature.

Learning and development initiatives are no longer aimed at preparing docile, obedient factory workers, but knowledge workers who have to constantly absorb and adjust to new information. Nor the training's goal is to teach people instinctive responses for relatively mindless assembly-line jobs, but to ignite people's full mental and psychological powers for thinking, problem solving, innovating, and learning.

Training in the learning age is characterized by total learner’s involvement, genuine collaboration, variety and diversity in learning methods. The learners must be placed in environments that are positive physically, emotionally and socially and give them an experience of learning by immersion that is as close to the real world as much as possible. People learn best when they are totally and actively involved and take full responsibility for their own learning. Learning is not a spectator sport but a participatory one. Knowledge is not something a learner passively absorbs, but something a learner actively creates. The learning is accelerated in a positive physical, emotional, and social environment, one that is both relaxed and stimulating. A sense of wholeness, safety, interest, and enjoyment is essential for optimizing human learning. Hence the trainings must be more activity-based rather than materials-based or presentations-based.

The mature training firms make this happen by using accelerated learning techniques that are result based, flexible, collaborative, humanistic, multi-sensory and activity-centered. They are committed to integrate the learning and other interventions for the purpose of improving human performance and addressing individual and organizational needs. In order to achieve this, such organizations use a systematic process of analyzing and responding to individual, group, and organizational performance issues. They are focused to create a positive, progressive change within organizations by balancing human, ethical, technological, and operational considerations.

Be a Corporate World Yogi!

A true yogi is a genuine seeker, illuminated by deep profound wisdom. Humility, forgiveness, self-awareness and uprightness adorn his character and he strives to be an absolute master of himself. With a robust spiritual foundation in place, operating from his higher self is quick and effortless for a yogi. A yogi deeply understands that spiritual renewal is essential to our well-being. It helps us nurture our essence, build inner strength and trust life. Spirituality allows us to connect to the higher power, feel a sense of purpose, and experience meaning in our lives.

Spirituality can reduce feelings of stress, strengthen your relationships and help you navigate the challenges you face from just being human. Spiritual energy can be tapped even in the worst adversity by a commitment to a mission larger than one's self. And the courage and conviction to live by your deepest values is another key muscle that serves spiritual energy.

You can nurture yourself spiritually in many different ways such as through yoga, prayer and meditation, musical or artistic expression, spending time in nature, being in a spiritual com-munity and rendering service for others. Stillness, whether experienced through prayer, meditation, or reflection, is your time to be alone and connect to your inner wisdom or the higher power within you. Whether your source of spiritual renewal is through prayer or meditation or spending time in nature or helping others, make time for it on a regular basis and experience the vitality that you deserve.

The value-centered training and coaching organizations help you to become a corporate yogi by helping you have clarity of your purpose, your deepest passion, your sense of identity and your core values. Their initiatives are focused on supporting you in developing a positive attitude and a growth mindset by raising your awareness and installing empowering beliefs. When you align your goals with your purpose and values, you not only experience deep fulfillment but also increase your ability to have a laser beam focus, adopt effective strategies and rituals to build resilience, build relentless self-control and manage your most resourceful state.

When skill-building is backed up by a robust foundation of these fundamental qualities, competencies can be built quickly and easily over them and there is much more probability to sustain the learning in the realities of daily life.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Life's Powerful Lessons

I strongly believe that no matter what I go through in life whether it's a challenging experience or a pleasurable one, every experience provides me with something of value. I have conditioned myself to embrace whatever life brings to me and internalize it in the form of an inspiring mantra, I want to live by.

When I view life as a classroom, it's not a dull place, where we sit on some forward facing desks and listen to a not so interesting teacher. But it is more of a workshop where the learning is experiential. I like to think that the workshop of life is perfectly organized so that we learn what we need to learn, when we need to learn it, and just the way we need to learn it. The operative word in all this is - 'need', and not 'want'.

Life's lessons come in various forms and ways. Sometimes what we need to know, we learn it formally by attending a workshop or by reading a book or any such way. Sometimes we learn in an informal, seemingly coincidental and unexpected way, such as overhearing a comment in an elevator, or a friend's remark, or an inspiring line of a song from a passing radio. The good news is that we learn all we need to know eventually. For some people, however, eventually is not soon enough.

We tend to forget to acknowledge the lesson, especially when things don't go our way and tend to stick to the emotions. However, we need to take away the lessons and release the emotions that can impact us adversely beyond our intellectual understanding. As we navigate change and challenges, the most important question to ask is: "What's the lesson here?"

The worst days in our lives can be the most powerful in terms of the lessons we choose to learn from them. Our bad times bring many blessings with them like the beauty of wisdom, strength of character, invincible courage and deeper compassion. We are what we are, not because of our good times but because of our bad times.

Through life's experiences, we have the opportunities for change and self-realization. There are no failures or mistakes, only lessons to be learnt. And one of the most fascinating aspects about life is that we cannot escape from the lessons, it wants to teach us. The greatest lesson we are here to learn is how to live a life of happiness.